Sheryl and Sons

Sheryl and Sons
I told you they were big.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Thanks, Honey

     It's been a banner year for my old boyfriends.
     One guy, (let's call him X) a lawyer, has been seen on several local news broadcasts giving opinions about various criminal trials.  Another old flame just had his latest book reviewed by The New York Times.  (It wasn't a great review, but still.)
     In the meantime, My One, the man I married, has quietly, without press coverage or appearances on The Colbert Report, been working his ass off.
     My husband has a career that doesn't get a lot of press.  But on Father's Day, I thought I might give him some blog coverage for the job he does at home.  After all, I haven't exactly been raising these two amazing boys alone.                                         
     My husband is a nag, in the best possible way.  He tells the boys to clean their rooms, put their dishes in the dishwasher, and help their mother.
     He would win the Nobel prize if they gave it in these categories: Letting Your Wife Know You Think She is Beautiful, Respecting and Loving Your In-Laws and Showing Kindness to Annoying Neighbors.
     He loves the Chicago Bulls, a good bottle of red wine, playing golf in any weather, cooking Sunday  dinner and reading every inch of the newspaper.
     He hates parties where he doesn't know anyone,  restaurants that charge $11 for a cocktail, and having to do the organized dances at Bar Mitzvah parties.
     He thinks you can be a social liberal and a fiscal conservative (wrong) cats are the preferred pet (also wrong) and that I don't know anything about science (this is true.)
     I know this barely scratches the surface, but he wouldn't want me to reveal much more.  The most important thing is that he has been my constant and unwavering partner in loving our boys as hard as he can. He is an exceptional father.
     Thanks, Honey.  Happy Father's Day.  I love you.

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